_Bratislava/ 15.9.2014
Verejný podstavec sa dlhodobo snaží nájsť spôsob, ako prinášať kvalitné umenie do verejného priestoru. Námestie slobody je dôležitým mestským priestorom Bratislavy na ktorom realizujeme od roku 2012 projekt BOD 0. Záleží nám na tom, aby sa o novú podobu najväčšieho stredoeurópskeho námestia uchádzali silné a aktuálne umelecké či architektonické vízie. Preto poskytujeme naše 3D dáta s podobou námestia verejne k dispozícii každému, kto sa tejto súťaže na Pamätník revolúcie na Námestí slobody výhlasený mestom Bratislava zúčastní.
_download Námestie slobody 3D (Rhino)
_súťaž Pamätník revolúcie


27.9. 2013 o 7.00/ Námestie slobody, Bratislava (v prípade dažďa sa akcia odkladá)

Pri uvažovaní o projekte na Námestie Slobody som vychádzala zo skutočnosti, že sa nachádzam vo verejnom priestore, ktorý je nadštandardne zaťažený rôznymi vrstvami minulosti, ale aj
Ako písala vo svojom texte o histórii tohoto miesta Bohunka Koklesová: "Námestie sa stalo miestom, kde sa Kúpiť cialis online politika ritualizovala a falošne deklarovala víziu krajších zajtrajškov". S politickými deklaráciami sa dostali na námestie rôzne rekvizity, prispôsobené vizuálu aktuálnej doby. Rozhodla som sa ísť iným smerom, kontext námestia by som chcela komentovať efemérnou prítomnosťou. Uvažovala som o viacerých možnostiach – udalostiach, akciách a javoch. Zvažovala som použitie rôznych dymovníc a svetlíc, ako aj ideu kompletného zahmlenia námestia - celkový historický, sociálny a vizuálny "reset" námestia. Nakoniec som vybrala prírodný jav, ktorý vytvára nové prostredie pre mentálnu rekonštrukciu.

Môj projekt spočíva vo vytvorení hmly, ktorá by sa objavila na námestí s istou pravidelnosťou a vytvárala by stále sa meniaci objekt, ako aj udalosť- performance. Svojou dočasnou prítomnosťou by nezaťažovala námestie a vhodne by nadväzovala na tradíciu demonštrácií a akcií politického, ale aj spoločensko-zábavného charakteru, ktoré sa tu udiali.

Ilona Németh, Bratislava 2011

31.8 - 1.9. 2012, Gdańsk

_Artissts: Erik Binder/ Andrea Kalinová/ Michal Moravčík/ Katarína Morháčová/ Martin Piaček/ Tomáš Rafa/ Magda Stanová/ Vanda Szépová
_curated by: Lýdia Pribišová

_Ventilator is a two day immersion in the reality of contemporary Slovak art. The event consists of a discussion with Slovak artists and the curator about relevant themes in contemporary Slovak art and presentations of the artist’s works. The curator Lýdia Pribišová will present an overview of contemporary Slovak art, as well as presenting Flash Art magazine’s Czech and Slovak Edition, of which she is an editor, together with other Slovak magazines dedicated to contemporary art, such as Jazdec, Vlna, Photoport, SADO, Visible Data and Profil.

Magda Stanová focused on the creative process, the theory of photography, urban development and cartography and standardized behavior, which she transcribes in particular algorithms. The results of her investigations are often innovative forms of artist presentations, as visual essays, books and lectures.
_Katarína Morháčová is an artist observing various forms of perfection and failure. Her research is based on analyses of the politicum of the body, knowledge, abilities and aesthetics. With the artists Jaro Varga and Dorota Kenderová, she is running a contemporary art gallery (non profit gallery HIT) and will reflect on her unique experiences in this field.
Tomáš Rafa is exploring the thin line between patriotism and nationalism and keeps searching for any displays of racism and xenophobia. His research over the last three years led to a video project set against the background of demonstration, blockade and protest footage, complete with the scenes of everyday life in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.
Erik Binder is exploring the thin line between using absurd humor and a playful strategy. His works overlap the visual art into the field of music. His also running non-profit space in the suburb of Karlová Ves in Bratislava.
The curator and gallerist Vanda Szépová will present her experiences with running of non-profit gallery in Slovakia, in Bratislava and will refer about her experiences of studying at the program of Curatorial studies in Krakow.

_One of the central themes of this evening will be art in the public space, a hot issue in Slovakia. The artist Martin Piaček will present the activities of the association called Verejný podstavec („Public Plinth“), whose aim is to take a position on the difficulties in transforming public spaces in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc through artistic events. They will discuss progressive sculptural and artistic interventions in public spaces, as well as the various forms of art that can be seen in the streets and squares of Slovak cities. The artist Andrea Kalinová will discuss her public art project Abandoned(re)creation, organized in the spa resort of Trenčianske Teplice, as well as another of her projects where she works with the memory of place.
During both days, a survey of contemporary and early Slovak video art will be presented. The emblematic example of the first Slovak video art / experimental film is Lift by Vladimír Havrilla from 1974. During the communist regime, experiments with video were outside the official art scene, as with the film by Ľubomír Ďurček entitled Information...about Hands and People (1982), a metaphor for living in conditions of limited liberty.
After ‘Velvet Revolution’, like other areas of visual art, video art mainly focused on the body, its physical perception and sexual and gender identity, as can be seen in the videos of Anna Daučíková. After the beginning of the new millennium, social and political topics dealing with the power of institutions and media, their influence and manipulations gained prominence in Slovak art. Artists also started to observe the contradictions between the public and private spheres, and reflected upon the mechanisms of the contemporary art scene. The duo Anetta Mona Chisa and Lucia Tkáčová employ sarcasm and a defiantly anti-authoritarian attitude in their use of the techniques of displacement, sabotage and subversion, whilst questioning structures, systems of power and gender hierarchies (in the art world as well as within various political and social realities). The subject of Tomáš Rafa’s video sis the territory where art and political activism meet. The project entitled The New Nationalism in the Heart of Europe presents an archive of audiovisual material from the Visegrad region. Meanwhile, a social-introspective approach is characteristic of the work of Pavlína Fichta Čierna.

_The idea of globalization in confrontation with the local context is the topic of two videos, Kill Folk and Apocalypse, made by the young artist Matúš Lányi in the Slovak countryside. Some of the artists, such as Lucia Nimcová and Erik Binder&Kunst Fu group, remember the past socialistic era with humor and irony and see an overlap into contemporary life. The artists Peter Rónai and Petra Feriancová use an autobiographical strategy in their videos. In the videos of Mira Gáberová, characterised by their theatricality and visual sensitivity, we can also see a light echo of the autobiography. The particular identity of the artist is the topic of the video documentation of Mr. BRA, the hybrid artistic identity created by Marek Kvetán and Richard Fajnor. In the videos of Matej Gavula and Milan Tittel, it is possible to see the influence of sculpture. Karol Pichler is focused on research dedicated to the possibilities of language, especially language games in their socio-philosophical context. He uses words from everyday language as material for the construction of his sophisticated message.

Event supported by:

_ 18. - 21. SEPTEMBRA 2012
_Námestie slobody, Bratislava

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_ 01.04.2012, Praha

_Prvou realizovanou akciou pre MOBIL je projekt skupiny GUMA GUAR, ktorá sa uskutočnila v Prahe.
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Náš projekt bol odporučený odbornou komisiou MK SR a bola nám udelená dotácia na projekt.Aj napriek tomu je možné, že sa nám nepodrí zrealizovať všetky 4 akcie, preto budeme pokračovať aj v roku 2013.
Držte palce a dovidenia na Námestí slobody! viac >>